Press Releases for Designer Purses

  • 982

    Designer Purse Shop Offer Authentic Fendi Handbags Rant

    When you see a designer handbag, do you only like it because of the designer name? If you saw it on another women’s shoulder without the designer logo visible would you still like it?

    By : | 08-10-2011 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 982

  • 828

    Piracy Experts Tainting the Designer Handbag World

    All of us who work so hard at representing the real thing, but in the accessories market, particularly designer handbags purses and wallets are copied at a pace faster than light. Not only are these new designer handbags and other big ticket fashion items being copied they are actually trying to pass the high quality replicas as the real thing.

    By : | 05-23-2011 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 828

  • 811

    Reliable Online Store to Buy Designer Handbags

    With the worry or stress attached to purchasing an authentic designer purse or handbag online its no wonder most people resort to full retail price.

    By : | 03-15-2011 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 811

  • 966

    How to Determine if a Website is Selling Authentic Designer Handbags

    There are a growing number of websites selling designer handbags especially here in 2007. So many of these sites claim authenticity, but really are high quality Chinese replicas.

    By : | 02-19-2011 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 966

  • 841

    The Top 5 Reasons Why Buying A Replica Handbag Is Stupid

    Well there sure is more than five reasons why it's stupid to buy a replica handbag, but I figured I could narrow it down to the most important reasons to get my point across.

    By : | 01-11-2011 | Lifestyle:Fashion | Total Views : 841

  • 861

    Fall 2010 - Favorite Season for Handbags

    Fall is my favourite season for fashion, i love buying new boots, coats, and authentic designer handbags. Before i go out and spend my money i always think about whats "in" this season. Sometimes i find it hard to find a list of the latest trends so i did some research and decided to post what i found.

    By : | 11-24-2010 | Lifestyle:Beauty | Total Views : 861

  • 968

    Designer Handbags - Made for Rich Stuck-Up Snobs

    Starting from number 7 and ending at number 1 lets look at the top 7designer handbags made for the richest, most stuck-up snobs.

    By : | 11-24-2010 | Lifestyle:Lifestyle | Total Views : 968